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Úvod Doučování Czech language for foreigners

Individual tutoring of the Czech language for foreigners

Individual tutoring of the Czech language for foreigners
If you live in the Czech Republic and you need to use the Czech language on a daily basis in your occupation, for your studies or in your everyday life, we are here to help you! We can offer an individual tutoring of the Czech language according to your specific needs. We can help you in preparing for university entrance examinations or for your Czech language certificate. We will always adapt to your time schedule, whether it be morning, afternoon or online lectures. You will be able to receive a certification of completion of our course for the price as low as 400 CZK per lecture. All of our lectures can be taught online as well.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us +420 730 701 601 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
For information in another language, click on the flag below.
Český jazyk pre cudzincov Czech language for foreigners Tschechisch als Fremdsprache Чешский язык для иностранцев Séc tiếng cho người nước ngoài

Individual tutoring of the Czech language for foreigners

  • Content of your lectures according to your specific needs
  • Quality lectures led by professional lecturers
  • Time flexibility according to your schedule
  • Lectures in fully facilitated classrooms
  • Favourable price as low as 400 CZK / lecture

Preparatory courses for your university studies

  • Do you wish to study at a prestige Czech university?
  • We will prepare you for the entrance examinations!
  • We offer preparatory courses in Czech, as well as in English.
  • Medical, philosophical, pedagogical faculty.

Online courses for foreigners

  • Physical attendance is out of the question for you? Do you wish to attend your lectures from anywhere and at your own pace?
  • Interactive online courses of the Czech language at an A1-B1 level via the internet (Skype, Hangouts, FB Messenger, WhatsApp).
  • Precise coverage of the United European reference framework for languages (SERR).
  • Online courses in five mediatorial world languages: English, Russian, Spanish, French and German.

Preparatory course for your Czech language certification (CCE)

  • This course is suitable for all the candidates who have already reached the levels B1, B2 or C1 in the Czech language.
  • Contents: Strategies of getting to know all the types of tasks, thorough introduction to the format of the examination, solving the tasks under the lecturer’s supervision, debating the problems and doing regular try-outs of the written part of the test.
  • During the course you will work with model variations of the tests and chosen materials from the following publications: Pečený, P. a kol.: Připravujeme se k Certifikované zkoušce z češtiny – úroveň B1 (CCE-B1). Praha: Karolinum, 2013. ISBN 978-80-246-2066-4. / Kotková, R. – Nováková, J. – Vodičková, K.: Připravujeme se k Certifikované zkoušce z češtiny – úroveň B2 (CCE-B2). Praha: Karolinum, 2016. 978-80-246-2480-8.
  • We must point out that this course is not viable in obtaining a Visa, nor is it able to extend your Visa.

Individual preparation for the Permanent residence examination candidates

  • This course is aimed at those candidates who wish to undergo the United European reference framework for languages examination at the A1 level on the basis of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports according to the § 182a paragraph 2 b) Act No. 326/1999 Coll., On the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic.
  • This course is suitable for all the candidates who have already reached an A1 level in the Czech language and wish to undergo the examination in order to gain permanent residence.
  • The goal is to introduce the candidate to the format of the examination, while bettering the knowledge at an A1 level (reading comprehension, hearing comprehension, speaking, writing).
  • We must point out that this course is not viable in obtaining a Visa, nor is it able to extend your Visa.

Preparatory course for the Czech citizenship examination

  • This course is suitable for all the candidates who have already reached a B1 level at the Czech language and wish to undergo an examination in order to gain Czech citizenship.
  • Contents: Introduction to the format of the examination and bettering the language skills at a B1 level, strategies and methods necessary in order to successfully complete the examination, examination try-outs under the lecturer’s supervision, debating the results (including speaking and writing), examination evaluation.
  • Systematic try-outs of the draft examination according to the following publication PEČENÝ, P. a kol.: Připravujeme se k certifikované zkoušce z českého jazyka: úroveň B1 (CCE–B1). (Preparation for the Czech Language Certificate Exam, B1 level). Praha: Karolinum, 2013.
  • We must point out that this course is not viable in obtaining a Visa, nor is it able to extend your Visa.

Czech courses during summer

  • Summer Czech courses are aimed at the general public and do not require any previous knowledge of the language.
  • The course is open for any candidate above the age of 16.
  • During the forenoon hours, intensive Czech courses are held, in the afternoon a cultural programme follows.
  • Intensive lectures of the Czech language interlaced with a wide variety of cultural events (afternoon, evening), including the excursions to the best-known sights and places in Prague as well as trips all over the Czech Republic.
  • The courses are taught by professional and qualified tutors.
  • All of the participants will receive a certificate of completion of the course and a final certification.
  • The certification does not hold the same value as an examination certificate from the Czech language (CCE-B1 a CCE-B2).
  • Underage candidates are required to have their own accommodation fixed, as well as they are required to provide a written agreement from their parents in order to free Škola Populo of all responsibility.

Online lectures

  • online tutoring is available anywhere in the Czech Republic as well as abroad
  • time flexibility according to your schedule (the place and time)
  • lectures in the comfort of your home or your office
  • save your time and money instead of commuting to the classroom
  • we can offer a camera for you
  • you do not need any special equipment except for your own computer and internet connection
  • you can find more information here
Methods and materials
Methods and materials
  • Čeština pro život (Czech for life), Alena Nekovářová
  • Lída Holá: Čeština expres, Česky krok za krokem 1, 2 (Czech express, Czech step by step 1,2), Akropolis
  • Czech study materials
  • Dictionary of standard Czech
  • Czech spelling rules
  • Textbook of OSP, Scio and col.,
  • Tests, studying preconditions and logic, Sylvie Kouřilová, Pavel Caha, Erik Caha, Fragment
  • Čeština pro cizince (kol. autorů Pečený, Kestřánková). Czech for foreigners (col. of authors Pečený, Kestřánková).
  • Model tests and learning strategies!
  • Pečený, P. a kol.: Připravujeme se k Certifikované zkoušce z češtiny – úroveň B1 (CCE-B1). Praha: Karolinum, 2013. ISBN 978-80-246-2066-4. / Kotková, R. – Nováková, J. – Vodičková, K.: Připravujeme se k Certifikované zkoušce z češtiny – úroveň B2 (CCE-B2). Praha: Karolinum, 2016. 978-80-246-2480-8. Publikace nejsou zahrnuty v ceně kurzu.

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